I love that in Elizabeth’s life. She has had so many people. who step in and share their gifts. whether it be someone who helps or reads someone who hangs out with her. Someone who is sharing how to better do a skill.

We have such beautiful people who have walked with us.
Sometimes they walk awhile, sometimes they walk a long, long time.

And sometimes they’re here for a little bit.
But the one person who’s been with us for so very long is Liz O’Hara and she is the adaptive gym teacher for our school system and turned into a dear dear friend of both Elizabeth and Me.

She’s been working with Elizabeth forever on motor skills and jumping and lifting, and all the things that can be so difficult with Elizabeth’s disorders of sensory processing disorder ( SPD) and global dyspraxia.
Liz has laid the absolute groundwork. for what we have found to be a fun new thing for Elizabeth and its name is CrossFit
Yes, you heard me correctly

And there is a young teacher in our town who has classes for those with differing abilities and I’ve known all along how strong Elizabeth is. as I’ve been told many times, but to see what she can do in crossfit is simply amazing.

I think we have found a new little fun thing for her.

Something she loves gets ready for a heartbeat and seems to be something that just fits how she likes to workout. 

And!!!! We can keep growing with her.

Would I have ever thought this to be a fun thing for her??? Probably not,,

But am I as excited as anything to see where it takes her??? Yes!

I’m told there’s competitions she may even enter who knows, but for now, I’m so happy that she has something she loves, that is healthy and that she looks forward to and I’m grateful that this new person is walking in our life now.

New opportunities are around the corner and may come at you as a great big surprise, but welcome them. Because who knows where they will take you and your child.

So the journey continues…

And I wish everyone a peaceful week

Michele Gianetti author of Elizabeth Believes in Herself

It’s funny, but just as you think you have it figured out something then steps in. Tell me that is so no true!

For Elizabeth, she has been amazing for the three weeks that she was off on her break from the holidays.
But due to her that’s 3 weeks of being home with changes to her work and basically the structure of her weeks that she is used to.

The normal has made her slowly show signs of wear and tear.

Her signs of frame include a sharper tone to her voice, a bit more saying, “no” before doing something even if she actually really wants to do it and hanging out in her room a bit more. And appearing to be just a touch. more confused… thank you dyspraxia.

She was amazing over the holidays having her sister home and just the fun of togetherness was great and then she started to show overload and the thing about sensory issues is that come and go. …and slowly they show themselves. So, the good thing is ,and I say this often to anyone, is know your child and know what they can do, how long they can do it for, and the signs of issues so that you can intervene and help their systems get back to a calm spot.

For us, it was a creating a bit more structure in her day.

Making a schedule for the following week. When she “gets her life back” (Her words) to encourage her.

I will say there was never a more happy person to get ready for a work in the world as my Elizabeth.

On Monday, so again, the holidays went great and the typical signs of stress occurred, but we were able to take care of it.

And I offer you good thoughts as you start a new month and year.

I wish everyone a peaceful week,

Michele Gianetti author of Elizabeth Believes in Herself