Archives for the month of: September, 2022

Elizabeth is one happy 25 year old!

And why do you ask is that? Well, it has to do with the fact that she is “getting her life back” For those who haven’t been reading my recent blogs, I will tell you.

She has been on a bit of a hiatus from her one job because the schools she does her gym classes with takes a break between summer sessions and fall.

This translated to A LOT of time on Elizabeth’s hands for about 4 weeks.

And yes! we did have her other job and most but not all of her other activities in her days, but I have to say that for some reason this year this break hit her hard.

I am not sure if she it has to do with the end of our crazy summer or the fact that her younger brother got his license, and she hasn’t yet. But whatever the reason, it all hit her hard. And she showed it by a subtle and consistent declining of wanting to do things or if she did them, she was quick to want them done and to “Go Relax”

I talked with her tutor who is our dear friend (don’t you love when this happens) and she said something to me that really hit home.

She was telling me that it was such a difference between when our children with special needs are in their younger years and through high school, we try to give them such experiences, and there are sports for them and special classes for them.

But after high school

There really isn’t much for them.

Unless she said if there are parent’s or caregivers who are super involved who will help plan and guide the young adults on their path.

And may I say I agree with her 100%

And most people I know would call me the super involved mom and there are times that I am left without a plan for Elizabeth’s next move or like recently options for her for a short term situation.

And this brings me to my point, and it is one I think I offer that will be taken to heart.

My biggest piece of advice is to keep looking ahead for your child. Not miles ahead but ahead enough to see what might need done and have time to plan it.

or to see what options exist for your child and have the time to plan for it.

Or to know that colleges for special needs young adults exist and that you need to know this early.

Or if your young adult wants to be employed, just what programs are near you or what skills do you need the school to work on so they are employed where THEY want to be in the area THEY like.

I know and trust me I KNOW how hard it is to do all this is required each day and STILL look ahead but speaking as someone who is 25 years in on this journey, I absolutely cannot emphasize it enough.

I am happy to say that I learned a bit about long breaks from this experience and just how maybe they need to be planned for a bit better. (Last year, she did great with the time). But this year, taught me differently.

So, with all that being said. Elizabeth is on her schedule again and quite content.

All is well.

For now, but I know I will be keeping a bit of a better watch on the road ahead.

I wish everyone a peaceful week.

Michele Gianetti author of Elizabeth Believes in Herself

As everyone is busy adjusting to the new school year, it is easy to see all the things that you want to do for your child, all the things you want your child to learn, all the skills you want your child to master.

Trust me! I know that feeling and at times I still feel that way. It’s like you want to make sure to get it all in, teach it all, help them as best and most that you can.

Especially since each start of a school brings to light the emotions that come with seeing just what other children your child’s age are doing or just what academic levels other children your child’s age are doing.

As well as being a marker of time, of another year coming, another year passing etc.

But something that I think I want to share, something I had to learn and relearn and probably relearn again can from a dear therapist, Mary. She was one of our first therapists and is still on the journey with us today.

It is something that helps me when I just want to do that last thing with Elizabeth or teach that last item to her.

Here is the story that maybe someone might need to read today.

We have a beloved therapist who has worked with Elizabeth and has become a dear friend to me, since Elizabeth was 2 years old. And if you do the math that is over 13 years.  I would need to do a series of blogs if I would try to explain the level of gratitude and awe that I feel for these therapists-turned-friends, who have impacted our lives.

This beloved therapist once told me “more is not always better”,

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