Archives for the month of: October, 2022

A work in progress…

That is what I say and have said so many times usually when I am asked about goals and the like about Elizabeth.

I say this because it is the truth, in fact we all are a work in progress in many areas in our lives.


That with Elizabeth’s special needs, we are always trying to make gains and keep growing. Her disorders of global dyspraxia and sensory processing disorder (SPD) make learning new skills and even performing previously learned skills (at times) difficult.

So, as we keep working on goals. There is one goal that is important to Elizabeth and actually quite important to life and that is reading.

Elizabeth has asked specifically of her tutor to help her read better. So that became an official goal. Then when she would get upset reading or ask if she could be done reading or would try and become frustrated. So even if this was something she wanted to do well, her disorders got in the way.

We then added vision therapy to her life and as I have written before, she loves her vision therapy. We have been doing it for some time now and I have checked in with Elizabeth often as she is typing or texting to see how her eyes are feeling but there has only been one objective bit of information that tells me her eyes are benefitting from the vision therapy and that is that her prescription for her eyes actually got better! So with no other reason for it, I chalk it up to the therapy.

That was until this past week when her new reading tutor had her read out load from a book that was not on her age level but on her reading level….and the cadence of her reading was amazing! How long she read for without complaint was amazing! But there was one thing, one little but HUGE thing she did that stopped me in my tracks in the kitchen ( her tutor comes over to work with her)….she did not know a word and I






This skill is one typically missing from those with dyspraxia because they typically memorize their language and don’t sound out words, just memorize them.

I think this was huge and wonderful and made me chalk up something else to vision therapy.

We visit the vision therapist again at the end of the month, so I will be sharing the above with him for sure!

Exercise for our children and young adults with special needs can be a tough thing to put and keep in their lives. We have just discovered a wonderful new option for working out via Zoom. It is a way to make friends and stay fit. It is called Let’s Go Fitness. Take a peek to learn more for your child. I love that the classes are all online, that those classes encourage friendships, and that fitness is made fun!

Elizabeth had her 20-minute initial zoom call yesterday and I was so impressed with how this program is run.

As I said …take a look to see if it is a good fit for your child.

So, two new things in Elizabeth’s life…after all, we are a work in progress!

I wish everyone a peaceful week,

Michele Gianetti author of Elizabeth Believes In Herself

I am not sure what exactly did it but I think it was watching an interview with a professional basketball player on the Cavs. My son and I were watching him and I asked how old he was and when I learned he was 26 years old, I was kind of stunned because I thought wow, he is one year older than Elizabeth. I started thinking about how far she has come in life and that she is still working hard but for some reason this direct comparison made such an impact to me.

With that in mind, I just want to share an blog I had written a while ago that sort of talked about this feeling and is also themed for Halloween!

Hope it helps someone who might just need to hear this and not feel alone in their emotions.

“Yes, Elizabeth you can go with your brother to trick or treat.”  A simple sentence said.  Many people would not think twice about it except to make sure that they had the proper costume for their child to wear but really that is about it.

But for me, it sort of makes my heart ache.  Let me explain.  The above sentence was said to my beautiful daughter Elizabeth.  Who has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and global dyspraxia AND who is 18 years old.  She absolutely loves to trick or treat, not to eat the eventual spoils of her work but to simple go.

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